A Place to Begin

This blog is something which has been in the works in various forms for quite a few years, but in the last year has begun to take a shape which we’re ready to finally unveil.

It is hoped that this series of posts on the residential and private club architecture from 1865 to 1940, and in some cases posts about the shops and businesses which supported them, will shed a light on a world which has changed greatly, but at one time employed many for its very existence.

Most will be buildings which still stand today, though occasionally one lost to fire, collapse, or “progress” will appear. Some will be in pristine condition, restored to their original appearance, some will have been allowed to decay but still have potential for rebirth, and some will have been “saved” and modernized with the loss of much of their original character lost.

We hope that you enjoy the posts which will follow in “The Visiting List”…


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